Minutes of the Committee Meeting of the
Albrighton & District Civic Society
held at 31/32 High St, Albrighton,
on Monday 7th November 2016 at 2pm

Present :       
Peter Woodman - Chairman
Rod Smith – Secretary
Mike Pitchford
John Bulmer
Bob Hickson
David Beechey (ex-officio representing Donington-with-Boscobel PC)
David Thomas (ex-officio representing Boningale PC)

1. Apologies received from Ron Kidson, Peter Illes, Peter Leigh and Gaynor Richards.
RS reported that Phil Woodman, who has helped the society in many ways since its beginnings, has expressed a wish to join the committee. The meeting was very pleased to have a willing volunteer to share the work and it was agreed that Phyl be co-opted and she was welcomed to the meeting.

2. Minutes of Meeting of 3rd October 2016 were approved.

3. Treasurer’s Report.– MP reported that £100 of bulbs had bought (organised by JB £90 and by MP £10). Subscriptions collected at AGM - new members £6, renewed £37. MP reported that many people attending expressed thanks for the work done by the Society and a surprisingly large sum of £43.50 was received as donations.
MP reported that while we had been informed that Albrighton PC would provide a grant of £150 towards new plants for the Planters a cheque of £55 had been received – MP would speak to Michael Ward for more information. Balance at bank today was £2021.55.

4. To consider progress in regard to following main issues

a) Village Entrances Scheme. JB reported that more work had been carried out at A464/Patshull Lane. MP asked why the Society is paying for some grass to be cut and noted that verge grass cutting was the responsibility of Shropshire Council. ACTION: PW would speak to SC.

b) Eyesores. BH reported that at the AGM a lady raised the matter of the very untidy front garden of the house at the corner of Windsor Rd and Woodland Close. BH had called at this house previously and asked the lady occupant if she could tidy the garden but was rebuffed. He had also received an anonymous letter from a resident of Woodland Close making the same point. BH had also received similar letters from five residents of Woodland Close all complaining about the garden. BH had been told that some residents had offered to tidy the garden but the owner had refused any help. ACTION: BH would ask Steven Brown of SC if he could have the person responsible for the Street Scene to look at it and advise. He would similarly ask if he could look at ex-Barclays Bank building where work has stopped again.

c) Swimming Pool. PW reported that a joint statement by the Society and the School had been placed in the Parish Magazine. PW and RS reported that at the last meeting of the Swimming Pool Committee, Roger Rudman had proposed setting up a Lottery to raise funds to maintain the pool – similar to one he was involved with to maintain a classic ferry in Devon. He had tabled documents and details of the ferry lottery and proposed a similar scheme where residents committed to buying, by direct debit, a £5 ticket each month for 12 months. This scheme was accepted by the S P Committee. A small group of PW, Roger Rudman, David Alcock (who would set up the lottery system and money collection) and Adrian Thomas (Chair, Swimming Club) would set up and run the lottery which would give 50% of takings to the Club and 50% as cash prizes. Roger Rudman also suggested that it may be advantageous to build a cover to the pool to allow year round use. He had met Cath Ratcliffe (Governor), (caretaker) and John Reeves (Architect and Society member) at the pool and had sought estimates for such a building.
The S P Committee had agreed in principle to set up a Trust (School/Club/Parish Councils) to take control of the pool and changing rooms away from SC – by purchase or a long lease.

d) Station Pedestrian access Ramp. RS reported that Shropshire Cllr Pate had invited RS and PW to meet with himself and Mouchel to provide information so that their Ramp Report would be comprehensive and useful as the basis for the Parish Council to achieve insurance cover - this report had now been issued. A meeting of the Ramp Team was therefore to take place on 15th November to get the project back on track.

5. Matters arising
a) Planters. PW and Phyl Woodman kindly agreed to take over watering and maintenance of the Planter at the Bank (they already dealt with the Planter near Walter Smiths Butchers)

b) Our Auditor, Gerard Pari,s had resigned due to his increased workload for Compton Hospice. PW had written to thank him for all his valuable work over the last few years. MP reported that Tom Maguire had offered his services as auditor and tabled his CV – he had been a manager at several banks, the treasurer for several societies and was currently internal auditor for Willows PC. The committee agreed to accept his kind offer.

6. AOB
a) MP reported that 500 Bulbs had been planted on the village green.

b) Andrea McWilliams’ email notified that continued use of local telephone boxes were under review. It was agreed that we would support Albrighton PC’s decisions but it was felt that as the old Classic style box at Shackerley was to be removed it would appropriate to replace the modern box on the High St with that Classic box as this was in the conservation area. .ACTION: PW to write to express this wish.
Members felt that if BT would disconnect the Classic box we could probably have Society members organise its transport to the High St. If BT’s monitoring of the High St box showed that it was not necessary we would still like to have the classic box on the High St even without a phone connection as it would enhance the appearance of the village green conservation area.

c) Pharmacy. As there had been rumours over the future of the pharmacy MP reported that he had spoken with Harry who had confirmed that while some government funding was reduced the pharmacy would continue. ACTION: the Society would ask Harry if he would participate in drafting an announcement for inclusion in the Parish Magazine.

d) ACTION MP advised that the Coop had funds available for community use and he would follow up.

e) It was reported that there had been a surge of burglaries and that it would be useful if PC Mat Picken could make a presentation.

Next  meeting:  2p.m. Monday 5th December at 31/32 High St. (Peter Woodman’s house). 

Following Meeting will be at 2pm on Monday 9th January 2017

All future AGMs are on the second Monday of October

Public Meeting & AGM is at 7.00pm on Monday 9th October 2017